Sunday, April 25, 2010

Times a changing

So lately I been thinking a lot. Yes I know I think way to much. It's a bad habit, don't worry I'm working on it. So any ways I feel times are just going by way too fast. Like for instance, Jake is 4!! And is getting ready for pre school registration.. I feel like life is going by me and I have been feeling change coming. Most of you who know me knows I love to travel and I have not done much of that lately. I am ready for a big change and I'm thinking of moving. If you all have any suggestions of where might be a good place to go seriously put your input in I would love to hear it. Oregon,, Pismo and Washington are on my list. There are tons of places I want to travel too but living is another issue. We all know Okinawa would be my first choice lol. I dunno guess its more for me to think about.

Any who Jake is good growing like a weed! He has grown out of all his winter clothes, in 3 months he grew into a size 6 in boys and small size shirts. His feet have not stopped either and is now almost a size 1 in boys. Last Monday Jake had his physical and met his new pediatrician Dr Miller. Jake did well he weighs 45 pounds although it feel closer to 60 lol. He is 42 inches or as I say big enough to ride the big rides. He did his eye test and all those other fun things at the Dr's even had to pee in a cup. Yeah it's kind of weird when its my son leaving the specimens even if I do it all day long. I told Jake he had to get a poke (meaning his TB) since I didn't want him to be surprised. Well come to find out he needed 4 shots and a TB. Poor guy started crying when the lady came in and put 5 needles next to him. Yeah she was not the smartest or the nicest but it was over fast. He cried for a few but then he was okay not to mention aunt Bernie took him to Target and got him toys. He will now say I did not get a poke I got shots. He is healthy and growing. He is supposed to start day care/pre school but its 200 more a month than what I pay now for day care so I'm hoping to put him in as soon as I can. He is very excited about it tho.

Mothers Day today has been amazing by far the best mothers day I have had. Yesterday we drove to coalinga and went to Harris ranch for dinner. Its so nice there and they have an air strip. I took Jake to see them after dinner. We went to visit grandma on the way home and then Jake and I did not get home until late. We slept in and are now relaxing with the gang had lunch and played games opened gifts. Jakey made me a key chain and a pin a card and a decoration to hang. He and Bernie got me a CD and some new mixing bowls. I am so blessed! Cant wait to put my pin he made on my lab coat. Now I'm waiting to watch Jack and have dessert. Then after Jack maybe watch a movie or go home since I work tomorrow. I work 6 days a week this week and been working a lot of extra hours. Oh and my camera is out of service so not sure when I will get pics up again. Hopefully my camera is not dead in general. Any ways hope every one had a great mothers day. Love you all

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